Coffetek Vitro X3
Vitroβs smoked glass door and touch screen user interface displays a realistic and elegant menu, providing a state of the art look which will compliment any location. The user display, together with the cup positioning lighting system and intuitive tray position guides the user through a simple and pleasant experience when ordering a hit drink. Customisable mood lighting along the door can be easily changed to the desired colour to match any environment. The intelligent lighting system for the dispense area and beverage locator can be changed to suit the environment.
Purchase / Rental Options:
Purchase From – Β£5,220.55 with 5yrs Parts Warranty
Rental From – Β£371.33 5yrs With full Warranty
Rent a Nayax Onyx Cashless Payment System from only Β£37.48 per Quarter over 5 years (Β£2.88 per week). Alternatively, purchase the Card Reader outright for just Β£599.00 + VAT.
Monthly Charges:
Transaction fees – Approximately 2.95% (taken from sales)
Gateway & Data Sim – Β£10.00 (taken from sales)
One-off Setup Fee – Β£40.00 (taken from your first month’s sales)